County of Maui Title 19
Maui County Code (MCC) Title 19 - Zoning was adopted in 1960 shortly after Hawaiʻi became a state in 1959. While the County of Maui and the world around it have changed dramatically from 1960 to today, the County has responded to some of this change by incrementally adopting numerous targeted amendments to the code. These amendments have created confusing and conflicting interpretations as well as complex layers of administration.
In March 2018, an audit of Title 19 was concluded and confirmed that the current code is cumbersome, outdated, and contains standards that do not promote the livable, built environment that is identified in the General Plan. The audit recommended that Title 19 be rewritten and updated to be a Hybrid code (a mix of Euclidian and Form-Based zoning).
In July 2019, Orion Planning + Design and their team were contracted to rewrite and update Title 19. The T19 Rewrite project has an anticipated six-year timeline and will involve a robust public engagement using a variety of tools to engage and garner input and review from the public, development community and other interested parties.
The Title 19 Rewrite Project is focused entirely on Maui County Code (MCC), Title 19-Zoning. To be clear, the Rewrite project does NOT:
In March 2018, an audit of Title 19 was concluded and confirmed that the current code is cumbersome, outdated, and contains standards that do not promote the livable, built environment that is identified in the General Plan. The audit recommended that Title 19 be rewritten and updated to be a Hybrid code (a mix of Euclidian and Form-Based zoning).
In July 2019, Orion Planning + Design and their team were contracted to rewrite and update Title 19. The T19 Rewrite project has an anticipated six-year timeline and will involve a robust public engagement using a variety of tools to engage and garner input and review from the public, development community and other interested parties.
The Title 19 Rewrite Project is focused entirely on Maui County Code (MCC), Title 19-Zoning. To be clear, the Rewrite project does NOT:
- Affect the Maui County General Plan documents, including the Countywide Policy Plan, Maui Island Plan and nine Community Plans
- Affect the Special Management Area (SMA) (HRS 205A)
- Affect FEMA's Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMS), which identify Special Flood Hazard Areas
- Affect State Land Use Districts (HRS 205)
- Consider nor include future Development Plans (public or private)
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